Cyber-crime continues to become a big problem in our digital society. By 2021, it is believed that cyber-crime will cost the global community $6 trillion, up from $3 trillion in 2015. This can be one of the biggest transfers of wealth in human history. As a response, cybersecurity spending in 2021 will reach $1 trillion, with about 3.5 million jobs related to cybersecurity by 2021. In many IT departments or organizations, a cybersecurity position is a common thing. In fact, every IT worker needs to implement various details to prevent data breach and theft.

Healthcare Industry and Ransomware

By 2022, there will be 6 billion of direct attacks against human users. Today, it is more likely cybercriminals to attack human than machines. Another worrying symptom is the attack of ransomware, which has exceeded $5 billion in damage in 2017, compared to $325 million in 2015. Healthcare organizations are now the number one target for ransomware attacks and they will continue to become vulnerable.

Data Protection

Data protection has become an important requirement in our society, mainly because the transfer of information happens millions of times each day. Information typically changes hand through the Internet, but could also travel through USB flash drives, portable hard drives and other portable storage platforms. Data protection isn’t only intended to prevent theft, but also to address the threats of viruses and other cyber-attacks. Antivirus software, data encryption and firewalls are common methods that people use to protect their data. If your data is sensitive, you may need to invest in additional solutions, such as a hardware-based firewall and an isolated data backup storage. In some cases, data can be stolen physically, such as if you lose your smartphone or laptop; so common sense should apply as well.

Business owners should be aware of the importance of data protection in their systems. A data breach or loss of data could cause significant disruptions to business operations making it even more important for businesses to implement rigid standards on how their data can be used and shared. A data breach on consumer data could result in a very expensive lawsuit and in some cases, this could ruin a business financially. In a large organization or business, there should be a data controller position that manages how data is handled. This will reduce the possibility of data loss or leaks. This can be a challenging task, because corporate data are often stored in smartphones and laptops.

For more information about ways to secure your data, or to talk to an expert, contact Clear Tech Recruitment today.

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